Latest news regarding ScientificMed and our digital therapeutics.

ScientificMed in collaboration with leading Nordic hospitals and a pharmaceutical company has developed a patient app to support prostate cancer patients undergoing antihormone therapy
October 5, 2020
The app will support prostate cancer patients undergoing antihormonal therapy (androgen deprivation therapy, ADT) with a targeted exercise program in order to counteract side effects of this therapy.
For further information, please contact Jan Fjellström, ScientificMed, +46 708 63 60 00
Positive study results with a digital therapeutic for breast cancer patients published in Supportive Care in Cancer
May 13, 2020
The pilot study "Patient interactive digital support for women with adjuvant endocrine therapy in order to increase compliance and quality of life" showed the app was perceived easy to use and of support in every-day life of breast cancer survivors. The patients especially appreciated the possibility to overview their reported symptoms over time in relation to their activities and physical exercise.
The primary aim of the study was to develop and investigate a patient interactive digital support (app) for patients on adjuvant endocrine breast cancer treatment.
The project to develop the solution was a joint venture between the Capio St Görans hospital, ScientificMed, AstraZeneca and Novartis Sweden. It was supported with grants from the Region of Stockholm Innovation fund and with a sponsorship agreement from Novartis and AstraZeneca.
View Supportive Care in Cancer
For further information, please contact Jan Fjellström, ScientificMed, +46 708 63 60 00
ScientificMed partnering in project to prevent childhood obesity with a digital intervention
February 10, 2020
Three Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs), investigating the effects of a digital intervention (an app) to prevent childhood obesity are currently ongoing in Sweden, Spain and Rumania. The app is developed by researchers from two leading Swedish medical universities in collaboration with ScientificMed. The app is targeting parents to children at the age of 2-4 years, nudging them to good living habits with main focus on physical activity and nutrition. The app is available in Swedish, English, Spanish, Rumanian, Somali and Arabic and is currently in use in private and public health care.
For further information, please contact Jan Fjellström, ScientificMed, +46 708 63 60 00
ScientificMed announces the appointment of two new board members Josefin Landgård and Martin Olovsson
October 8, 2019
ScientificMed strengthens leadership with the addition of two new Board Members, Josefin Landgård and Martin Olovsson, and the Senior Business Advisor Annika Espander.
For further information, please contact Jan Fjellström, ScientificMed, +46 708 63 60 00.
ScientificMed in collaboration with Karolinska Institutet in new stroke prevention research project
June 23, 2019
The HELD research group at Karolinska Institutet evaluates in a pilot study the feasibility and effect of a person-centered and digital stroke prevention program. ScientificMed is contracted to provide the e-health platform.
For further information, please contact Jan Fjellström, ScientificMed, +46 708 63 60 00.
ScientificMed has raised SEK 10 million in capital for continued development of digital cancer treatments
January 16, 2019
ScientificMed has successfully raised SEK 10 million in capital from Bonit Capital, Add Health Media, serial entrepreneur Fabian Fischer, and the ScientificMed founders. The capital will allow the company to increase development speed of its cancer treatment digitization products and accelerate its international growth.
For further information, please contact Jan Fjellström, ScientificMed, +46 708 63 60 00.
ScientificMed to take part in collaborative research project together with Karolinska Institutet
November 5, 2018
ScientificMed will participate in a research project funded by the Swedish innovation agency Vinnova and their program Challenge-Driven Innovation. Research will be done in collaboration with Karolinska Insitutet, Innovation Skåne, Region Skåne, Region Östergötland, and RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden).
For further information, please contact Jan Fjellström, ScientificMed, +46 708 63 60 00.
Positive study results
October 8, 2018
Positive results from two minor studies: one of e-treatment supporting breast cancer patients in their treatments and well-being, the other one of e-treatment supporting patients with prevention for stroke.
In the evaluations, the patients regarded the e-treatments as easy to use, highly appreciated, and valuable. The patients wanted to continue using the e-treatments after the study’s completion. The positive results and feedback from the patients and healthcare personnel will be used during the next phase of the respective projects, including further development of the e-treatments and the implementation of broader usage in clinical practice.
For further information, please contact Johan Cederlund, ScientificMed, +46 708 63 60 05.
LSX Nordic Congress in Stockholm
June 10, 2018
ScientificMed will participate and present the company's e-treatment platform SciMedOne at the LSX Nordic Congress 2018 (Life Science Executives' Leadership and Investment Congress) in Stockholm, 29-30 August 2018.
For further information, please contact Jan Fjellström, ScientificMed, +46 708 63 60 00.
ScientificMed in collaboration with Karolinska Insititutet in stroke research project
December 15, 2017
The HELD research group at Karolinska Institutet develops and evaluates a patient-centered e-health program to support primary and secondary stroke prevention and rehabilitation after stroke. ScientificMed provides the e-health solution.
For further information, please contact Johan Cederlund, ScientificMed, +46 708 63 60 05.
The HealthyMoms clinical trial in collaboration with Karolinska Institutet
September 7, 2017
The HealthyMoms clinical trial (RCT) will evaluate whether a smartphone app can promote healthy gestational weight gain in pregnant women. ScientificMed works in collaboration with Karolinska Institutet as solution provider.
For further information, please contact Jan Fjellström, ScientificMed, +46 708 63 60 00.
ScientificMed to take part in oncology research project in collaboration with major healthcare provider
September 1, 2017
ScientificMed will in collaboration with a major Swedish healthcare provider and a specialist within oncology treatments develop and evaluate a patient centric application for patients diagnosed with breast cancer. The primary objectives are to improve the adherence to treatment and improve wellbeing of the patients. The overall aim of the project is to launch the e-treatment broadly within clinical practice, integrated into the infrastructure and processes of oncology care in Sweden.
For further information, please contact Johan Cederlund, ScientificMed, +46 708 63 60 05.
The positive results from the MINISTOP trial published in AJCN, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
April 26, 2017
he MINISTOP trial will be published in the upcoming edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
This paper reports the first results of an mHealth obesity intervention targeting parents of preschoolaged children. Although no effect on the primary outcome fat mass index (FMI) was observed, children in the intervention group had 99% higher odds of increasing the composite score for the 6 dietary and physical activity variables.
Furthermore, the effect of the intervention was more pronounced in the children with a higher FMI. Given the young age of the children, MINISTOP focused on promoting a healthy diet and physical activity rather than weight management or energy restriction. The mHealth intervention was also highly accepted by parents with suitable levels of sustained engagement.
For further information, please contact Jan Fjellström, ScientificMed, +46 708 63 60 00.
The SUPPORT trial published in AHJ, American Heart Journal
May 25, 2016
The SUPPORT trial will be published in the August edition of American Heart Journal.
Effects of interactive patient smartphone support app on drug adherence and lifestyle changes in myocardial infarction patients: A randomized study
In myocardial infarction patients, the use of an interactive patient support tool improved patient self-reported drug adherence and also showed trends toward improved cardiovascular lifestyle changes and quality of life.
For further information, please contact Jan Fjellström, ScientificMed, +46 708 63 60 00.
Strong focus on prevention at European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress 2015 in London
September 10, 2015
“The topic of prevention was selected because of the increasing global presence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and the therapeutic challenges this epidemic presents.”
“Among the clinical highlights of importance in the area of prevention is the SUPPORT trial involving patients with acute myocardial infarction being treated with ticagrelor. The study demonstrated the value of an interactive smartphone application in increasing drug adherence and adopting/continuing healthy cardiovascular lifestyle changes.” – Geneviève Derumeaux, ESC CPC Chair
Positive results from the SUPPORT trial presented at the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress 2015 in London
September 2, 2015
The use of a smartphone based motivational interactive patient support tool improved patient-registered drug adherence and showed positive trends in both cardiovascular-related lifestyle changes and quality of life in patients with acute myocardial infarction.
For further information, please contact Jan Fjellström, ScientificMed, +46 708 63 60 00.
Read the ESC Congress 2015 in Review here
AstraZeneca Press Release (in Swedish)
Data from the SUPPORT trial will be presented at the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress 2015 in London
August 29, 2015
Data from the SUPPORT study demonstrating the impact of a new interactive smartphone application on improving patient adherence and quality of life will be explored during a rapid fire abstract session on Wednesday 2 September.
For further information, please contact Jan Fjellström, ScientificMed, +46 708 63 60 00.
ScientificMed to take part in research project in collaboration with leading university and physicians
April 10, 2015
ScientificMed will in collaboration with physicians and a leading university, participate in a project financed by the Swedish innovation agency Vinnova. Key objectives are to develop and evaluate concrete patient values using CE-marked patient centric applications adapted to specific pharmaceutical products based on a firm business model and collaboration with pharmaceutical companies.
For further information, please contact Johan Cederlund, ScientificMed, +46 708 63 60 05.